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Top 10 Tips on Asset Tags / Property ID Tags

point imageSpace ImageUse the Right Asset Tag Adhesive

Match the Asset Label Adhesive to the Surface.
The durability of your asset tag depends upon the application surface and the adhesive used on your asset tag or label. Our standard adhesives are suitable for most every application. But, if some of your equipment is rough or is cased in a hard-to-stick-to plastic, use our AlumiGuard® or PermaGuard® asset tags. Both can use a “soft” adhesives that can be used on these surfaces (as well as smooth surfaces). Also, these adhesives are suitable for application in below-freezing weather.
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Preparation is 9/10's of the Battle.
Cleaning Wipes
Cleaning Wipes
How you apply your asset label or tag is also critical. Sticking an asset tag onto a poorly prepared surface is like trying to paint a dirty gutter - the asset tag is just not going to stay stuck for very long. Remember how important all the scrapping was when you repainted your house! Similarly, we recommend using a cleaning solution.
How to apply asset tagsRemove oils. And, if possible, use a 3M Scotchbrite pad. For certain surfaces, consider roughing up the surface slightly. The rougher surface gives more "tooth" and more "hills and valleys" to hang on to. Finally, use our squeegee or roller to apply pressure on the asset tag. This will not mar the surface, but will also help rid your asset tag of trapped air bubbles.
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Have patience.
Most of the adhesives used on asset labels take 72 hours for final cure. An asset tag that can be removed cleanly after 30 minutes can become quite impossible to remove after 24 hours. Heating the application surface accelerates the cure time for the asset tag or label.
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Match the Adhesive to the Surface.
We offer five adhesives for our metal tags. Also ask for samples .
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How Adhesives Really Work?

The dyne level of the application surface is very important. Metal has a very high dyne level and most adhesives stick well to it. Unfortunately, paints commonly found on many metal surfaces are not as attractive to adhesives as the metal itself. Note that the asset label is sticking to the paint and not to the metal! Paints can, themselves, have either a high dyne level or a low dyne level. Generally, though, we have found that paints have a high dyne level and are good surfaces for asset tags or asset labels.

Shows How the Adhesive on an Asset Label 'Wets' Out on a Hard or Metal Surface.

Metal and "hard plastics" have "HSE" or a "high surface energy". In plastics, the surface energy of the substrate is increased by oxidation of the surface through corona discharge, or flame treating. At an molecular level, oxygen atoms become available to bond with the molecules of the adhesive.

Shows How the Adhesive on an Asset Label 'Wets' out on a LSE Plastic. For Better Performance, the Adhesive for Your Asset Label Should be Softer (the Colloquialism is that the Adhesive Should be 'Gooey').

Certain polyolefins (such as a polypropylene or polyethylene drum) have a very low surface energy (20-35 dynes) and they require a much softer adhesive for your asset label.