
Study: “Mobile is the new normal”

The 2013 holiday shopping season proved again and again that consumers are making mobile commerce a part of their lives.

Scanlife graph showing holiday QR scans

From ScanLife

Studies of consumer behavior during the holiday season have noted increases in consumer usage of smart phones and/or tablets for holiday shopping—and not just for actual sales transactions. Consumers are scanning bar and QR codes, checking prices, obtaining coupons and generally seeking better deals at every step of their shopping trip—while in-store and before and after they enter a brick-and-mortar establishment .

A report by San Jose-based Baynote summed it up: “Mobile is the new normal.”

New York-based Scanbuy, Inc., a mobile engagement provider that offers end-to-end solutions for  both consumers and businesses, reported last week that it processed nearly 10.4 million mobile bar code and Near Field Communication (NFC) scans between November 22 and December 31, 2013, an eye-opening increase of 33 percent over the 2012 holiday season.

Scanbuy’s periodic trend reports analyze traffic on its own ScanLife mobile app, which it says is the world’s most popular mobile engagement app. For its 2013 holiday trend report, the company noted that it analyzed a statistically significant sample of all the scans generated from its mobile products.

Some of revelations of the Scanbuy analysis included:

Baynote’s report, also released last week, offered insights from its survey of 1000 smartphone-owning shoppers who were about their experiences during the 2013 holiday season. The survey was taken December 3 – 6, 2013 and was conducted in conjunction with the eTailing Group.

Baynote, which describes itself as a provider of personalized customer experience solutions for multi-channel marketers, surveyed a wide range of consumer shopping behavior, but devoted a special section of its report to mobile commerce. It found that:

Another report that surely reflects the holiday’s shopping trends but covers a broader time period was IBM’s final update on year-end online sales. The IBM Digital Analytics Benchmark, which examines online shopping behavior, released its fourth quarter 2013 report in early January. The report noted that:

At this rate, in a few years we’ll wonder how we ever shopped without our mobile devices.

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